Bridging Cultures and Creating Impact:
My Experience in Thailand

Written by Ellen, Project Implementor (former GMPI) in Thailand

My name is Ellen and I come from a small town in Scotland. When I was in my late twenties I decided I would go back to school and challenged myself to complete a degree in International Studies by the time I was 30, which I achieved! This accomplishment inspired me to make a move into the development sector and led me to FutureSense Foundation (FSF)

Working as a Group Mentor and Programme Implementor (GMPI) in their Global Leadership Programme was the perfect opportunity to gain experience in a hands-on environment. During my six month internship I was able to contribute to many different projects providing sustainable development support within the local community of rural Thailand, from delivering English conversation workshops to novice monks to providing fun, practical STEAM workshops to learners in remote hill tribes. I was lucky enough to continue to work for FSF as a Programme Implementor in the very same town which means I get to continue surrounding myself with this incredibly welcoming community – certainly one of my favourite parts about Thailand (with the exception of the food)!  

Community Impact: Changes Observed

Throughout my experience as a GMPI I was able to observe a number of improvements in the community as a result of our programmes. This included an increased awareness in vital health knowledge (particularly related to women’s health), along with a boost in learner’s confidence to use their new acquired English vocabulary without feeling self-conscious.  

One particularly memorable moment that highlighted the impact of our work was during a week spent conducting English conversation workshops with novice monks at a local temple school. At the beginning of the week one learner was incredibly shy and quiet as we spent time working on simple sentences and building the learner’s confidence to have conversations in English. Slowly but surely, we were able to create a safe space for the learners to experiment with their skills and by the end of the week this learner was beating many of his friends in our workshop games! It was a very rewarding experience for all involved and became a perfect anecdote to share with future teammates to showcase the importance of our work.  

I must also mention the impact our animal welfare programme has had on our community of participants from the UK and Australia. Through the opportunity to partner with elephant rescue sanctuaries, there is now a growing awareness for the welfare of these incredible creatures, encouraging people to take the message of ethical tourism back home to share. 

Personal Connections: Building Relationships

Living and working in a small Thai town allowed me to form both professional relationships and long lasting friendships throughout my internship. One of my favourite parts of this was spotting familiar faces around town; Thailand is known as “The Land of Smiles” and here it is no exception! People are never shy to offer a friendly “wai” and smile whenever we meet, especially when they spot our brightly coloured work t-shirts (which are quite famous around town). Many participants have been stopped in the street so people can tell them all about FutureSense Foundation’s contribution to their child’s school or to the local healthcare providers; an express of gratitude which is always greatly appreciated by our team.  

My Thailand Experience

Being a part of the FutureSense Foundation has helped me gain a real insight into the challenges faced in the communities of rural Thailand. Although the overall development of Thailand looks positive, with cities now filled with modern skyscrapers and innovative technology, rural communities still face the disadvantage of being isolated from opportunities due to factors such as money or cultural and language barriers. Many jobs now require good levels of English to adjust to the increase of tourism in the country and so having access to learning opportunities and experiences is important to increased sustainable development in the region.

Our programmes allow young people in the area the chance to be inquisitive and experiment in a fun, encouraging environment, sparking the inspiration and confidence to try new things and pursue opportunities perhaps once thought out of reach from their home. 

Closing Reflections

I hope hearing about my experience can inspire others to get involved, whether that’s through donating, fundraising within their own community, or applying to become a participant or intern so they can offer their time and skills to help other communities across the globe. Seeing first-hand the way our programmes have inspired confidence, inquisitiveness, and creativity in so many young learners has been a privilege. I hope to use the lessons from my time as a GMPI to continuing having a positive impact on the local community, who have gladly welcomed myself and my colleagues as one of their own.  

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