About Us

We are committed to delivering on the UN Goals for Sustainable Development through long term programmes, delivered by volunteers, focusing on education, health and livelihood support.

The FutureSense Foundation is a charity registered in the UK (Charity No. 1132101) that supports community development in some of the poorest regions of the world. Through our programmes and initiatives, we work towards achieving a ‘Fairer World’, a world in which each person across the globe is equal and enjoys the same rights, freedoms and opportunities.

Our Model

We believe that the way we make an impact is unique. With a team based in every country, we focus on understanding the community needs and developing a range of long term programmes to address the issues identified. We always work with local partners to both ensure we are understanding the needs correctly and developing programmes that are relevant to the context in which we are working.
Working in partnership with our volunteering programmes we seek to attract individuals that can help deliver the programmes we have structured. Volunteers play a significant role not only in delivering our programmes but also in helping us continue to develop new capabilities and even monitor and evaluate the impact we are having in the communities we support.
Team leader smiling with a group of local learners - FutureSense Foundation
Local school child having fun during a STEAM workshop - FutureSense Foundation

We develop a long-term vision and goals in each country where we work and our volunteers help us in achieving this long-term development, due to their unique abilities, skills and the hours they dedicate. The long-term development that occurs is both in-line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals as defined for each country and addressing the needs of the local community.

Our model also focuses both on the individuals who volunteer with us and the communities we support ensuring a sharing of skills and learning for both. We are passionate and committed towards building the next generation of change-makers and promoting the values of global citizenship.

Our Difference

Our Programmes

We are not just a funding organisation, our focus is on running programmes to help local communities to have a brighter future.

Our Costs

Through a combination of low overheads and the use of volunteers for programme delivery, we are able to keep our costs down and deliver excellent value for money.

Our Partners

We always work with carefully selected local partners to ensure we are understanding the needs of the community and working towards meeting their goals.

Country Teams

We focus on stability and sustainability, so we run long-term programmes supported by a permanent in-country team.<

Our Volunteers

We rely on our volunteers to deliver our programmes with energy, enthusiasm, passion, knowledge and skills.

Our Mission

To deliver long term programmes that ensure quality Education, improve Health and Livelihoods for disadvantaged communities, contributing towards the UN Goals for sustainable development.

Our Vision

A world where even the most rural communities around the world can achieve their aspirations for a better future.

Our Values
We are passionate about making a difference to individuals and communities we serve, always acting with integrity, empathy and energy to develop innovative solutions to meet their aspirations.
Group of school children with two participants volunteering for FutureSense Foundation
Two FutureSense Foundation participants explaining a workshop to local kids
Group of school children crafting and having fun - FutureSense Foundation

Our Impact




Volunteer Hours


People Reached




Volunteer Hours


People Reached

Our Annual Reports

To understand more about our organisation and the work we are doing in each country have a look at our Annual Reports.

Our Latest Annual Report

Reporting on the work done by FutureSense Foundation through 2022-2023.

During this time we expanded our operations to include an new hub in Panama. Our efforts in seven countries yielded significant results, with our work now supporting over 11,000 school learners and 15,000 community members. 

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