Written by our Thailand Team.
Tree planting and community clean-ups.
To have a green and clean environment is important for sustainability, for our health and for animals. We have been planting trees with local students while taking the opportunity to speak to students about how each tree, if living up to 40 years can absorb 1t of carbon dioxide emissions that each of us emit into the environment, and how the trees also work as stabilisers for the soil to prevent landslides from happening.
In September, we planted 60 trees with students and teachers in Ban sud huay na school. The school loved the project as it helps new generations understand the importance of protecting nature and to value of planting trees for the long-term sustainability of the environment.
FSF Thailand runs community clean-ups every month for community and people around to realise on how important it is to keep our communities clean. Bringing people together to support the initiative of cleaning up the community. We also use this activity to get students outside and in more practical terms understand how littering and improperly disposed waste affects them and their lives both directly and indirectly.
Education Boxes.
With the Education boxes we help our partner schools during COVID-19 times. We have sent a second round of learning material to MUB and MUL partner schools offering educational material to develop students English skills and creative skills. We hope this box will help both teachers to teach in English and for students to have access to engaging resources and material.
Lenten Festival.
On the 1st – 3rd of October we had the Festival called “Ock an sa” (The end of Buddhist lent). In our home town Maesariang, we call this festival (ock wa). As part of the festival food offerings are given to Buddhist monks early in the morning (around 4am). The festival is important because it marks the end of the Buddhist lent and is celebrated with many festivities around the world.
Teacher Licenses.
One of our partners recently told us about devastating news in Thailand. There has been big news on a teacher hurting kindergarten students (not in our area). This has affected all the schools because the person who hurt the students does not have a teacher’s license. This means all schools in Thailand will get audited, causing troubles for all people and schools with teacher’s without licenses. This also means that all delivering sessions in the schools going forward will be required to have a license. All schools are still waiting to see how this will affect them and others in the region.